The best laid plans of mice and knitters are no match for the cost of a dead starter in your best friend's car. That's how the old saying goes, right?
Yeah, so. I was pretty bummed.
I tried really hard not to be pretty bummed, but I spent most of yesterday in that stage of self-indulgent misery usually practiced by thirteen-year-olds with an inadvisable collection of eyeliners and fishnet gloves. It was pretty sad-- I mean, I was pretty sad, but the fact that I was as sad as I was was the pathetic kind of sad. Eventually I made myself push through it (mainly) by finishing another washcloth (I have so much kitchen cotton. Seriously. Even discounting the ridiculous amount used for my QR code banner/blanket/whatever you want to call that thing, I will be in washcloths forever, and since it's all end-of-summer sale stuff I think I spent less than $25 on the lot of it-- 2 big things of Bernat Handicrafter, a bloody cone of Peaches & Creme and a ball or two of Sugar'n Cream) and starting another other washcloth and doing a few rows on That Secret Thing for R for Ecksmuss and whatever else.
I also cleaned the kitchen, which I often do when I am sad. I think I have this crazy belief that tangible effects and products of my time will make up for how unpleasant it is.
Anyway, then I took a deep breath and steeled myself to do something I've really been putting off:
I seamed childHood. Yup.
Can we talk about mattress stitch?
Click to enlarge because this yarn is so pretty you just should. Do it.
Wow that is magical. Every time I've put off part of this project because I found it daunting it really... hasn't been so bad at all. And now, save the buttons, it's done done done and very nearly ready for the holidays. I just hope little A. doesn't outgrow it before he gets it.
Wool of the Andes worsted, Opal Heather and Pumice Heather, if anyone's interested.
I probably ought to block it too, though it still looks nice from the in-pieces blocking, save the hood (which didn't exist then), so I might be able to get away with not bothering... mainly my concern is I don't know that I have anywhere to pin it up. Possibly I'll go for steaming it instead. First, though, buttons, but I'm in no real rush with those.
B's sweater will get started soon, soon. I'd sort of hoped to finish both by end of October and then give NaKniSweMo a shot with something for me, but it ain't looking likely from where I'm standing now.
Still, that's a lot of progress for a day, and a heck of a lot cheaper than Rhinebeck would have been.
Next year, though. Next Year.
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